Adult (& Teen) Climbing Classes
The Übergrippen School of Rock
School of Rock Introduction
At Übergrippen, climbing instruction and education is a cornerstone of our mission. We strive to create new climbers and provide experienced climbers with classes that will help them develop skills and techniques that will further their progression in the sport. Übergrippen’s “School of Rock” provides a comprehensive offering of climbing classes for adults and teens (14+) that you can tailor for your personal objectives! Whether you’re brand new to climbing or a seasoned veteran looking to fine-tune your craft, we have classes for you.
Our offerings include beginner-level classes to get you started, a six-part progressive movement/technique series, lead climbing classes, outdoor climbing skills classes, and physical training workshops.

Intro to Climbing Package
Ideal for Brand New Climbers
Our Intro to Climbing Package is sometime referred to as 50/50 because for $50 you get four classes and if you make each class, we’ll give you $50 to put towards a membership or even punch passes! These four classes will help you become more comfortable with all that our facility as to offer – from auto belays, to belaying with a partner, basic climbing techniques, and climbing terminology to give you a stronger foundation in climbing!

Learn to Belay
Ready to Climb with a Partner
Our auto-belays are great, but we want to help you take advantage of all our other roped routes in the facility. Our two-hour Learn to Belay class will teach you all the technical skills from knots to using a belay device so you can start climbing with a partner on top rope. The skills in this class will help you pass a Belay Test with us or at any other climbing facility.

Movement Series: Raise Your Grade
Ideal for 5.8 – 5.13 Climbers
Our Movement Series is a comprehensive climbing course consisting of six progressive classes that cover footwork, body positioning, momentum, and much more. Our coaches will explain the principles of climbing techniques, provide direct feedback to each climber, and share movement drills that you can train outside of practice. You don’t have to be stronger to climb better!

Learn to Lead
For 5.10 (or higher) Climbers
Lead climbing gives you options to climb on steeper indoor terrain where it isn’t safe to set a top-rope. The challenge here is not the climbing, but lead belaying. There are so many unique details as a lead belayer that you have to be constantly accessing to make sure that if/when your climber falls, you can give them a comfortable catch.

Prepare to Climb Outdoors
Indoor lead climbing skills required
Übergrippen may be the best indoor climbing crag, but there are many outdoor crags in the Denver area to be enjoyed as well! Our Outdoor Sport Climbing class consists of two separate 2-hour sessions that will teach you how to set and clean anchors, and how to properly lower/rappel back down. As long as you already know how to lead climb and belay, our AMGA-trained staff will teach you all the additional skills and techniques required to take your craggin’ outside!
Good Deal
- If you purchase 1-4 hours
Better Deal
- If you purchase 5-9 hours
Best Deal
- If you purchase 10+ hours
With the exception of our Intro to Climbing Package and Learn to Belay Class, all our School of Rock classes are priced according to hours of instruction. The more hours you purchase at one time, the more you save!
To receive the best deals, you must sign up at the front desk. All online sales are set at $15/hour.