ÜG Covid Information

Updated August 16th, 2021

  • Übergrippen allows members and guests who have been fully vaccinated (2 weeks after receiving their final recommended dose) are able to climb and enjoy our facility without face masks.
  • Members and guests who are not yet fully vaccinated are required to wear face masks until they reach full vaccination status.
  • Youth program participants and instructors are also required to wear face masks, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Vaccinated individuals are still welcome to wear face masks if they would like to do so.
  • Übergrippen has discontinued our use of a climbing reservation system. Members and guests may arrive at any time to enjoy the facility. Reservations are still required for all climbing, yoga, and fitness classes.

We can’t thank our community enough for coming together and protecting each other over the past year.  And remember, we’re not done!  We encourage everyone to continue to make choices to reduce the risk of COVID, just as we make choices to reduce our risk every time we climb a wall.

Still in this together,

The ÜG Family

How we made our choice

From the beginning of the pandemic, we have studied and followed the advice of the world’s top scientists. As the science evolved, we used it to inform the choices we made to protect our community. These choices were often made ahead of local and state law. For instance, we required the use of face masks at all times for several weeks before any city or state-wide mask mandates were issued. We also consistently kept our capacity limits far below what the City of Denver allowed.

Our latest decisions have been made in alignment with the most recent scientific guidance.

More than 99% of all current hospitalizations are unvaccinated individuals.

  • Vaccinations have been shown to be effective against COVID variants, including the Delta variant.
  • Vaccines are highly effective against severe illness, but the Delta variant causes more infections and spreads faster than earlier forms of the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • Fully vaccinated people with Delta variant breakthrough infections can spread the virus to others. However, the greatest risk of transmission is among unvaccinated people who are much more likely to contract, and therefore transmit the virus.
  • Currently in Denver, 72% of our eligible population (12 and older) is fully vaccinated and our 3-day moving average incidence rate is negative.
  • This link gives current guidelines from the CDC