2025 Tryout Days
Regardless of the climber’s Home Crag location, they can try out at either crag location. This season we are only doing one tryout for both teams:
ÜG Denver: Saturday, January 25th
We hold TeamGrippen Tryouts twice a year at the change of each climbing season, January and August. After the tryouts are held we will place the climber on the most fitting team or club for the season.
We are following the Red Point Style format for this tryout.
- You’ll have 3 hours to work with others to complete your hardest climbs.
- It will be a flash format for ropes and modified redpoint format for boulders.
- You have successfully passed all your belay tests with our front desk.
- You have been through Akademie (or a technique evaluation) and are climbing 5.11 and v3/4.
- You have been on a club for more than one month and are motivated to begin competitions.
- You are coming from another team and you have passed all the belay tests.
- You are on Club Marmot, have gone through Akademie, and are motivated to compete this season with a coach’s recommendation!.
- *Kids who have not been through one of our programs also need to take the written Akademie test.
You will be evaluated on these Mental Fortitude & Climbing Skills:
Mental Fortitude
- Motivation to try hard, train hard and push yourself!
- Focus on task at hand and coaches’ instructions.
- Attitude: working well with others on the team, your coaches, and other members at the crag.
Climbing Skills
- Knowledge of technique i.e. footwork, hold types, etc.
- Safety – You know the rules of the crag 100% and never break them!
- Understanding how to read sequences
- Knowing how to talk about beta
- Strength – how difficult of a boulder or route can you climb?
If you are currently a member tryouts are at no additional charge, if you are not a member and/or not currently enrolled in one of our programs you will need to pay for a day pass for your climber at the front desk.
If you have any specific questions, please email sarah@ugclimbing.com