Pick Your Membership!

Memberships provide the most cost effective way to enjoy visiting both of our facilities (Denver & Castle Rock) as often as you wish. We have both Auto Recurring and Prepaid Memberships.

Member Auto Recurring
ACH Membership
Rental Add-On
$25 / Adult
$20 / Child
Enroll Fee Monthly Dues 1 Mo 3 Mo 6 Mo 12 Mo
Adult Member $60 $98 $120 $350 $615 $1085 6 Month Rental
$95 / Adult
$75 / Child
Discounted Member $50 $88 $105 $305 $550 $980
The Duo (Any 2 people w/ 1 payer) $100 $176 $210 $610 $1,100 $1,960 12 Month Rental
$145 / Adult
$125 / Child
Unlimited Family Membership $225 $270 $780 $1,400 $2,475


Prepaid memberships do not have any enrollment fees. They are valid for the period selected starting on the date of enrollment. They also cannot be frozen.

Auto Recurring
ACH Membership

Our auto-recurring membership with payment from a linked checking account (“ACH Membership”) is our cheapest long-term membership option (besides pre-paying 12 months in advance). Monthly dues are debited automatically on the 5th of every month using your specified bank account.  We also offer a recurring membership paid option that is paid by credit card (“Credit Card Membership”), different rates apply. For all our recurring memberships, there is no contract and you may cancel your membership at any time. You may also freeze your recurring membership for $10/month per person or $30/month for the family.

CARE: Discounted Membership

The Crag Access and Recreation for Everyone (CARE) is an affordable membership option for low-income community members. Click here for more info.


  • $60 Enrollment


  • $50 Enrollment

The Duo

  • $100 Enrollment


  • $100 Enrollment

What’s Included: